Unlocking Address on Node
This brief tutorial demonstrates how to manually unlock your account by password prompt upon node start.
Variables in Example
Variable Name | Description |
ubuntu | username on your server |
example.com | hostname or ip address of your server |
miner/ | path to the specific node content (e.g. /path_to/validator/) |
keystorefile | encrypted file containing the private key required for unlocking |
First, deploy keystorefile
to server (can be skipped if node is run locally).
Linux, macOS, other Unix-like systems:
scp ./keystorefile ubuntu@example.com:miner/keystore/
# This will copy the keystorefile from the current directory to the remote miner/keystore directory on the example.com server, using the SCP protocol.
# Note that you will need to replace "example.com" with the actual hostname or IP address of the remote server, and "ubuntu" with the appropriate username for that server.
Copy-Item -Path ".\keystorefile" -Destination "ubuntu@example.com:miner\keystore\" -ToSession (New-PSSession -ComputerName "example.com" -Credential "ubuntu")
Then connect to your server by ssh and change to node directory
Linux, macOS, other Unix-like systems:
ssh ubuntu@example.com
cd miner
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName "example.com" -Credential "ubuntu"
Set-Location -Path "miner"
Then manually enter the password for decryption of your keystore (where 0x123abc...f
is the address from keystore file you deployed)
docker-compose exec node geth attach --datadir /data --exec personal.unlockAccount('0x123abc...f')
Using of ready Script
./reset-passwd.sh -d example.com -r miner -l ./keystorefile