Unlocking Address on Node

This brief tutorial demonstrates how to manually unlock your account by password prompt upon node start.

Variables in Example

Variable Name Description
ubuntu username on your server
example.com hostname or ip address of your server
miner/ path to the specific node content (e.g. /path_to/validator/)
keystorefile encrypted file containing the private key required for unlocking


First, deploy keystorefile to server (can be skipped if node is run locally).

Linux, macOS, other Unix-like systems:

scp ./keystorefile ubuntu@example.com:miner/keystore/


# This will copy the keystorefile from the current directory to the remote miner/keystore directory on the example.com server, using the SCP protocol.

# Note that you will need to replace "example.com" with the actual hostname or IP address of the remote server, and "ubuntu" with the appropriate username for that server. 

Copy-Item -Path ".\keystorefile" -Destination "ubuntu@example.com:miner\keystore\" -ToSession (New-PSSession -ComputerName "example.com" -Credential "ubuntu")

Then connect to your server by ssh and change to node directory

Linux, macOS, other Unix-like systems:

ssh ubuntu@example.com
cd miner


Enter-PSSession -ComputerName "example.com" -Credential "ubuntu"
Set-Location -Path "miner"

Then manually enter the password for decryption of your keystore (where 0x123abc...f is the address from keystore file you deployed)

docker-compose exec node geth attach --datadir /data --exec personal.unlockAccount('0x123abc...f')

Using of ready Script

./reset-passwd.sh -d example.com -r miner -l ./keystorefile