System Parameters

Q blockchain is running and using multiple system contracts and system parameters. The latter define governance quorums, voting time periods, financial thresholds, reward allocation ratios and many other values that are crucial for a flexibly and soundly operating ecosystem Q.

System parameters are part of the Q constitution and can be changed by voting majorities through the Q governance and voting processes. Some of the parameters are governed, which means that experts take over the governance of these parameters, allowing to reduce the voting load of all Q token holders and outsourcing the parameter management to a defined (and voted) panel of experts.

Q Constitution Parameters

Parameter Name Description
constitution.cliqueEpochLength amount of blocks within each clique epoch, i.e. between two transition blocks
constitution.EPDR.maxNExperts maximum number of members for the DeFi Expert Panel
constitution.EPQFI.maxNExperts maximum number of members for the Q Fees & Incentives Expert Panel
constitution.EPRS.maxNExperts maximum number of members for the Q Root Node Selection Expert Panel
constitution.maxNRootNodes maximum number of root nodes within root node panel
constitution.maxNStandbyValidators maximum number of standby validators
constitution.maxNValidators maximum number of validators in validators short list
constitution.proposalExecutionP The time window to execute a proposal after it has passed.
constitution.rewardShareQIDHolders The share of all rewards (block subsidy, transaction fees, native application fees and slashed stake deposits) that Q ID Holders receive.
constitution.rewardShareQTokenHolders The share of all rewards (block subsidy, transaction fees, native application fees and slashed stake deposits) that Q Token Holders receive.
constitution.rewardShareRootNodes The share of all rewards (block subsidy, transaction fees, native application fees and slashed stake deposits) that Root Nodes receive. 
constitution.rewardShareValidatorNodes The share of all rewards (block subsidy, transaction fees, native application fees and slashed stake deposits) that Validator Nodes receive.
constitution.rootSlashingAppealP The period after a root node slashing objection, during which the affected node has time to open a private arbitration legal case.
constitution.rootSlashingReward The fraction of the slashing amount for root node slashing which the proposal initiator receives as reward in case of a successful slashing.
constitution.rootWithdrawP The withdraw has a target time window which needs to be elapsed before the withdrawal of root node stake can be triggered.
constitution.valSlashingAppealP The period after a validator slashing objection, during which the affected node has time to open a private arbitration legal case.
constitution.valSlashingReward The fraction of the slashing amount for validator node slashing which the proposal initiator receives.
constitution.valWithdrawP The withdraw has a target time window which needs to be elapsed before the transfer of validator stake can be triggered. Required quorum for votings on proposals to add or remove a root node Required majority for votings on proposals to add or remove a root node Root node validation period for votings on proposals to add or remove a root node (to veto as root node) Required super majority for votings on proposals to add or remove a root node Required super majority quorum for votings on proposals to add or remove a root node Voting Period for votings on proposals to add or remove a root node Required quorum for votings on proposals to change the constitution, basic part Required majority for votings on proposals to change the constitution, basic part root node validation period for votings on proposals to change the constitution, basic part Voting Period for votings on proposals to change the constitution, basic part Required quorum for votings on general Q update proposals Required majority for votings on general Q update proposals Root node validation period for votings on general Q update proposals Voting Period for votings on general Q update proposals Required quorum for votings on proposals to change the constitution, detailed part Required majority for votings on proposals to change the constitution, detailed part Root node validation period for votings on proposals to change the constitution, detailed part (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to change the constitution, detailed part Required quorum for votings on emergency update proposals Required majority for votings on emergency update proposals Voting Period for votings on emergency update proposals Required quorum for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in DeFi Risk panel Required majority for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in DeFi Risk panel Root node validation period for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in DeFi Risk panel (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in DeFi Risk panel Required quorum for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the DeFi Risk panel Required majority for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the DeFi Risk panel Root node validation period for votings on proposal to change parameter(s) managed by the DeFi Risk panel (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the DeFi Risk panel Required quorum for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel Required majority for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel Root node validation period for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel Required quorum for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel Required majority for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel Root node validation period for votings on proposal to change parameter(s) managed by theQ Fees & Incentives Expert panel (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Fees & Incentives Expert panel Required quorum for votings on proposals to change the constitution, fundamental part Required majority for votings on proposals to change the constitution, fundamental part Root node validation period for votings on proposals to change the constitution, fundamental part (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to change the constitution, fundamental part Target duration for how long an objection can be submitted after a root node has been slashed Required quorum for votings on proposals to slash a root node Required majority for votings on proposals to slash a root node Root node validation period for votings on proposals to slash a root node (to veto as root node) Required super majority for votings on proposals to slash a root node Required super majority quorum for votings on proposals to slash a root node Voting Period for votings on proposals to slash a root node Target duration for how long an objection can be submitted after a validator has been slashed Required quorum for votings on proposals to slash a validator Required majority for votings on proposals to slash a validator Voting Period for votings on proposals to slash a validator Required quorum for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Root Node Selection Expert panel Voting Period for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Root Node Selection Expert panel Required majority for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Root Node Selection Expert panel Root node validation period for votings on proposals to add or remove an expert in Q Root Node Selection Expert panel (to veto as root node) Voting Period for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Root Node Selection Expert panel Root node validation period for votings on proposal to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Root Node Selection Expert panel (to veto as root node) Required majority for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Root Node Selection Expert panel Required quorum for votings on proposals to change parameter(s) managed by the Q Root Node Selection Expert panel

Q Fees and Incentives Expert Panel (EPQFI) Parameters

Parameter Name Description
governed.EPQFI.normalizedTransactionSize Used for gas price calculation
governed.EPQFI.stakeDelegationFactor The validator’s accountable total stake (own stake + delegated stake) is capped by the validator’s own stake multiplied with this factor.
governed.EPQFI.maximumDelegationTargets The maximum number of validators a staker can delegate his Q Tokens to
governed.EPQFI.Q_reserveShare Share of fees allocated to Q Token holders which is (thereof) allocated to the Q System Reserve.
governed.EPQFI.Q_rewardPoolInterest The interest rate per block at which balances held in Q Vaults are rewarded out of the Q Token Holder reward pool
governed.EPQFI.reserveCoolDownP Not more than above threshold can be withdrawn from system reserve within this cool down period.
governed.EPQFI.txFee Transaction fee, based on a calculation of reasonable processing and storage costs plus margin (cost-plus) for Validator Nodes which execute transactions, denominated in (Q) USD
governed.EPQFI.reserveCoolDownThreshold Not more than this threshold can be withdrawn within the cool down period.
governed.EPQFI.Q_QUSD_source The oracle source address (which in turn can be based on multiple source) which is used for all conversions from Q to Q USD and vice versa within Q. The oracle uses Q as base currency and QUSD as quote currency (

Q DeFi Risk Expert Panel (EPDR) Parameters

Parameter Name Description
governed.EPDR.QBTC_QUSD_collateralizationRatio The overcollateralization required for this pair when opening or adding to a borrowing position
governed.EPDR.QUSD_step Minimum amount of newly minted QUSD
governed.EPDR.surplusAuctionP Duration of a surplus auction
governed.EPDR.QBTC_QUSD_liquidationFee The fee charged in case of a liquidation
governed.EPDR.QBTC_QUSD_ceiling The maximum amount of STC that can be issued with backing of COL
governed.EPDR.QBTC_QUSD_interestRate The interest rate charged on borrowing positions of STC against COL
governed.EPDR.QBTC_QUSD_liquidationRatio The ratio of COL to STC at which a liquidation will be triggered
governed.EPDR.QUSD_savingRate The interest rate received on deposits on STC
governed.EPDR.QUSD_surplusThreshold Amount of STC that must be exceeded before a surplus auction can be triggered
governed.EPDR.liquidationAuctionP Duration of a liquidation auction
governed.EPDR.reserveLot Amount of Q that can be auctioned in one go.
governed.EPDR.QUSD_debtThreshold Amount of STC debt must be exceeded before a debt auction can be triggered
governed.EPDR.QUSD_surplusLot Amount of STC that can be auctioned in one go.
governed.EPDR.auctionMinIncrement Defines the percentage of increased bid increment
governed.EPDR.debtAuctionP Duration of a debt auction
governed.EPDR.QBTC_address The contract address of the collateral asset with symbol COL
governed.EPDR.QBTC_QUSD_oracle The oracle source address (which in turn can be based on multiple source) which is used for all conversions from Q to Q USD and vice versa within Q